Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stylized Movement

Metropolis is such an unsettling film. Oh German expressionism. I love how creepy and dark it is. I'm glad I decided to sign up for this film class. Its actually interesting. I'm going to email the head of the photography department at Drew and beg them to teach me how to develop 120 film. Then I can be super awesome with my Diana + developing my own film. I can't find anyone to do it for me without sending it out. In a few years no one will even do it. It's just not practical.

I'm feeling like I may be getting sick. I really can't afford to process at a level lower than this. Maybe tea will make me feel better. Working this hard is making me really depressed which I'm inclined to being anyway. I'm excited to go apple picking this weekend. Its one of my favorite things ever. Just two more days and the week is over.

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