Friday, October 3, 2008

Hot Chocolate

For my second job I work on campus in the Financial Aid office, filing things and generally being the office bitch. Greg (the other student worker and my accomplice) and I have been working here since the summer and we are completely ridiculous. Currently I'm filling in as secretary and Greg is making us hot coco. We just read about the 7 year old boy who broke into an Australia zoo and killed 11 animals. Shocking! But we can't watch the video because we are not allowed to download flash onto this computer. Lame. I've decided that it doesn't matter where I work as long as A. No one bothers me and B. I have like-minded people to create havoc with me.

In other news-it's FAMILY WEEKEND!!! at Drew University. Which means there is a temporary ice skating rink and a gigantic inflated chair in the middle of my campus. There are also tons of parents driving around campus asking for directions. Basically I want to stab everyone.

Last night, Drew decorated the student center with pumpkins, scarecrows, dead corn husks, and mums. Initially this made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. How cute that Drew is getting into the fall spirit and dressing up for their students...or are they? NO, they're just trying to make the University look good because parents are going to be here. Drews making sure that the parents look around and think, "Wow, this is $52,000 a year well spent!"

Well fuck you Drew. I know exactly what you're doing and I'm not falling for it. In fact I'm going to steal one of those pumpkins tonight. That's the least this school can do for me after four years!

Maybe I'll just carve all of the pumpkins like this and then spray paint, "Your kids are DRUNKS!" on the walls.