Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oh Hello There

I know I've neglected the blog realm lately and no one actually reads this (and by no one I mean only alyssa and sometimes ryan) but this video needs to be documented.
Thank god I stummbled upon music for kids who can't read good. Its a hilarious literal version of the video for the 80s classic Take On Me by A-ha. Everyone needs a little meme in their life.

Best line:
This guys gonna get an ass full of pipe wrench.

Oh and the people who live in the quad next door have been playing the same fucking mix tape for an hour now and I cannot stand the repetative bass beat. I think it irks me because I know the song but can't place it. I think this may just drive me completely insane.

Remember when I was freaking out because I couldn't decided what to do with my life?
Yeah, still have no clue. But I'm taking the GREs. So thats something. I'm thinking I might just go to Christiania. Except the cops are douche bags and hassle them a lot and I don't speak french or danish. Maybe I'll just start a blog about communes.